Monday, January 14, 2008

Bad timing

It is so frustrating!! I have been working so hard to finally get this trip to Afghanistan going and now finally things started looking really good. Money was there, agreements and all the practicalities was working out well. Then what happens!? The idiots in Afghanistan can not stay calm. Yesterday some of the Swedish troops in northern Afghanistan were shot at and today there a bomb exploded outside the hotel in Kabul where we most likely would stay and where we have some of our people staying. None of these people got hurt.

I am not worried for my personal safety, but I am a bit worried that someone (MoF, MoD, Sida ?)will decide it is too risky to go there now, that would be sooo annoying. There was even talk about evacuation of the ones we have there, not that I think that will be, but..
Not that anyone ever thought it would be very safe, but this is really bad timing.

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