Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Substitute travelling

I feel I have become a bit addicted to travelling. I really miss it now when I don’t travel as much as I want. And what I miss the most is to feel different smells. Just to breathe another air with a different scent, no matter whether it is clean, polluted, sweet, spicy or even smelly; I want to feel a different air. My next possible journey might be in September when I have some plans to go to Italy. No matter how much I love Italy, it does not really count. I have been there quite a few times and it almost feels like home, yet I still love it and really hope I will be able to go!

I haven’t really noticed until I wrote the last post, that my reading is a way to make up for the missed travelling, I have never really made an overview of what kind of books I read. I have just noticed that I don’t read the same books as other people around me seem to read. Right now it is very popular in Sweden to read criminal novels, and there are quite a few Swedish writers of criminal stories that everyone seems to know and have read, except for me. After having written about the book about the Yangtze I received a package of books that I have ordered and while unpacking them it struck me; all the books where about travelling or life in different exotic countries and cultures (as India, Nigeria and Albania). The one book that was not about travelling was an atlas!
Therefore I think I will continue here to give my reviews about books on travelling! As a substitute for the real thing!

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