Monday, July 02, 2012

Football changes everything...

So, the Euro 2012 is over, and Italy did not win the final over Spain. No doubt that Spain was the better team, 4-0 speaks for itself. Of course I would have liked Italy to win, since I am here in the country as a guest, but honestly, since Sweden didn't even make it from the group I don't really, emotionally, care. Somehow, however, I started to think Italy would not make it when I saw how the people here started waving flags and driving around in cars with big flags hanging out and definetly not when I saw a flag-vendor having pasted a obituary over Spain, like the ones you see on walls everywhere here. Then I thought, this is taking it out too much in advance, it can never work out... And it didn't!
However it was an interesting game and Spain played very well!!
It was also quite interesting to see all the flags having been removed when we drove back home and the streets were surprisingly quiet... small things change a lot of things here.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Lovely Italy

I am in Italy for a week. Actually I am here for one a one week course for my work, but since the course is in Rome I came earlier to spend the weekend with my sister who is living just outside Rome. It is always so nice to be here! I just love Italy! It is just so beautiful, has such a nice atmosphere and not to mention the fantastic food! Since the summer in Sweden this far has been very cold and rainy I don't mind it beeing very hot (almost 40 degrees when I arrived) either... Spending time with my family, people who live and work here, I don't only get the romanticised picture of life here. I know life is not always that easy, economy is weak and it is difficult with jobs ect..., but still the country is great!!

And tonight I will have the pleasure of watchin Italy playing Spain in the Euro 2012 final!! We thought about going into Rome and watch the game on big screens in Circo Maximo, but then decided going to an outdoor pizzeria here in Velletri might be more convenient and just as nice. Looking forward!!