Thursday, September 29, 2011

Minas Gerais

Last weekend I went to Minas Gerais to visit the famous colonial towns there. We flew into Belo Horizonte and from there drove in a rented car to Ouro Preto where we spent the first night. The Saturday was spent just walking around in Ouro Preto and enjoying this beautiful town. It is really nice!

Ouro Preto

Then we drove to Mariana which is also very nice, but as it is a little similar to Ouro Preto, but much smaller it had some difficulties to compete with its bigger sister. Maybe it would have made a bigger impression if we had went there first and not after Ouro Preto, but nevertheless it was nice.



The plan was then to in good time before it went dark drive on to Tiradentes where we would spend the next night. Of course we got started much later than planned. The trip was supposed to take two hours. Well, I don’t know, maybe it would have taken two hours if we had taken the right way directly, but of some reason we didn’t. And when we then asked some people how to drive there it turned out we had to go all the way back to Ouro Preto again which meant that after two hours we were more or less at starting point again. It took us five hours and we had to drive almost the whole way in darkness on bad roads. We got too Tiradentes at 22.30, very tired, hungry and not in the best mood. Despite this bad start Tiradentes soon turned us into a better mood the next day. Really charming little place! Much smaller than both Mariana and Ouro Preto, but very cute.

With last nights travel experience fresh in our minds one could have thought we had learned something, and in a way yes. As we now had a flight back from BH to catch we could not depart too late from Tiradentes, but still very optimistic we thought we would still have time to visit the modern art museum and park in Inhotim, but it was further away than we thought so we will have to come back for that. Anyway, lovely trip and I can really recommend it. Even though it got a little bit stressful and a lot of driving it is possible to do on a weekend.

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