Me at the falls, standing on the Zimbabwean side looking over to Zambia.
I went rafting at the Zambezi, which was also absolutely great. It can not be compared to the Ibar or Tara. These rapids are wild! On the Tara and Ibar I was never worried about falling into the water, here that is a constant threat. I was flushed from my place on the raft several times, but fortunately always down into the raft. Two other peoples in our raft were not as lucky, they were flushed over board, one of them a guide! We managed to pick them up though. All three rafts that went out together flipped, one twice. It was actually rather scary. It went so fast I did not understand what happened. All of a sudden I just found my self deep deep under water. The water was whirling around me and me with it. I had no idea what was up or down. I just decided to relax and that I would eventually float up to the surface. And I did. Once up, I was immediately flushed by next wave and the next and the next…. I could not see the raft anywhere and started to get prepared to be a “long swimmer”. After yet another couple of waves I caught a glimpse of our raft floating up-side-down not too far away and I decided to try to get there. Some of my fellow crew members were already sitting on top of the raft and once I got there, one of the guides pulled me up and we were all safe and sound. A bit scary, but that is part of the thrill.
Unfortunately I got back too late from the rafting so I missed my planned bunji jump, which I had already booked and paid for (got the money back though). I am really disappointed about that, but that is another reason to go back there! Anyway, the flight Harare-Vic falls- Harare with Air Zimbabwe is also somewhat of a thrill and also heightens your adrenaline!
The Zambezi, somewhere between rapid no 3 and 4 (I think).
The safari at Hwange was also absolutely great! Unfortunately we did not see any lions or cheetahs, but almost all other animals. We also got to sneak up pretty close to buffaloes and elephants. Great! I was even lucky enough to get a private safari with a very knowledgeable guide. Very interesting! And yes! I admit I was fooled to believe he actually tasted the buffalo dung. It was a quite interesting experience to come out of the bathroom before going to bed and see a big heard of elephants passing by out side the door of the hut, maybe just 20-30 metres away. I woke up several times during the night, looked out and thought “aha, more elephants”. At one time I thought I saw a rhino, but as they are much rarer and more difficult to see, I did not take a closer look but just decided it was just another elephant and went back to sleep. Telling the guides about it the morning after they said it could very well have been a rhino as they had seen foot prints of one in the neighbourhood. So they scolded me for not getting up and taking a closer look.
It turned out to be easier to get close to the crocodile while we were still in the jeep. Not because we were afraid, but because the croc was afaid of us. That is safari with Crocodile Dundee. ;-)
Elephant close-up. We were on the ground, between the thirsty elephant and the water hole.

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