Sunday, April 06, 2008

More reading on Afghanistan

I feel there is actually no need to further promote Khaled Hoesseini's books as they are already rather well known and well read, but for anyone who is interested in Afghanistan and women's situation in Afghanistan in particular, I can recommend the author Siba Shakib. I am not quite sure about the English title of the book, but judging from the Swedish and the German it should be; To Afghanistan, "God only comes to cry." It is very special! Beautiful and cruel at the same time.

The language of the author is also very special. It is very beautiful, creative and fascinating. I read the book in Swedish as I kind of assumed that it was originally written in some language I do not understand, and that a translation into Swedish or English would not make a difference. Later I found out it is originally written in German! That made me want to read it again, in German, just to read the real words of the author and see how they translate. The only time I ever felt anything like that before, was when I read The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy. Then I first read it in English and was completely fascinated by the language and felt an urge to read it in Swedish as well, just to see how that text and those words could be translated. Havning thought of The God of Small Things while reading Shakib's book, I actually was not very surprised to read that Siba Shakib thanked Arundhati Roy in the postscript of the book. Rather a little proud that I noticed the likeness; I mean, I haven never thought of my self as any kind of expert on literature... I simply like to read, and I like languages and words.

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