Maybe not in a very serious way, because there are of cause many serious connections too, but they are far less fun to write about. (Although the German police officers staying at the hotel seem very nice and the professors from the Kabul University faculty of Geology we met with today, seemed very happy to have a cooperation with the University of Bonn). I like much better to write about the fun, weird and unexpected.
Already the last time I was here I noted all the old German tourist busses cruising the streets of Kabul and I believe also the roads of the rest of the country. Today, just outside the university, I saw a lot of them again. One of them had the olympic rings painted on it. We laughed and asked ourselves from what olympic games those were. Then we realised they, and the bus, are probably from Munich 1972!! I had to make a picture of the bus!
When I arrived to Kabul i noticed I had forgotten to pack a hair brush. I thought it must be possible to buy on at such a fancy hotel as the Serena, but they had none. Of cause they offered to send someone out to buy one for me, but I felt that was asking a little too much. I just could not see myself sending someone out to buy a hairbrush for me. But after having tried to untangle my hair with the weak plastic comb provided in the hotel bathroom for two days, I realised I have to get a hair-brush or I will either look like a troll or have no hair at all at the end of the week.
Today we had some time after the meeting and anyway had to go into the Safi Landmark (another bubble, by the way) to get some money from the ATM. There they had a lot of cosmetics shops so I went in to one and asked for a hair brush. The first one he offered me was light blue and had terribly sharp brushes. I realised that would probably make my scalp bleed and asked if he hadn't any other. He said he would get one and sent a young boy out of the shop to get one. I suppose he just went over to the shop next door and that they are all cooperating and therefore it would be no point in going somewhere else. After a couple of minutes he came back with two brushes. The one was a round brush and that I didn't wnat. The other was actually rather fantastic. It was baby pink, with some gold details and golden brushes!! I could not really see myself buying a gold and pink hair-brush, but I also could not see myself sending the guy away again, after all the extra effort! And I do need it and only for this week. I don't really even need to take it with me home, so I bought it.
Back at the hotel when I wanted to try it I noticed what was written on it. On the golden ribbon it says: Dancer professional!! Wow! I have a dancer's hair brush!!
Further down on the plastic handle it is written in white letters: Fancy Germany.
I am stunned! I don't have an explanation for that one!
But now I know I will definitely take it with me home and it will be a treasured souvenir!
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