Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The World of Nose Spray

As I have a tendancy, or maybe even tradition of catching a cold whenever I go on holiday, I have been thinking that I could almost write a guide book over decongesting nose sprays. It seems to be one of the first things I just HAVE to get, and still I always forget to bring it from home. If it wasn't for the fact that they have an expiry date (or that they finish) I could have had quite a decent collection of nose sprays from all over the world.
To be honest I guess the contents of them are probably pretty much the same, but the packing and the way they sell them differ. I can say the strange bottle that did not have a spraying function, that I bought in Rio, was not a hit. It made me feel like drowning. The one I bought here in Cape Town feels very much like the ones you get at home, but the lady selling it was very helpful. She insisted I should try it already in the pharmacy and helped me taking the outer packing off and almost offered to help me spray it too.
Here of course it was very easy to ask for what I wanted, but I have noted that even in countries where they don't speak much English this is a very easy thing to explain, sometimes you don't even have to say anything...

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