Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Entertaining Reading

The other day I was searching some literature on Afghanistan on the internet, when I stumbled on something I did not expect. I found the Lonely Planet Afghanistan, issued 2007!! That is so unreal!! The country no one wants to go to (recruiting for Afghanistan is pretty hard) and when you tell people you are going there they think you are crazy, then you find it presented in a guide book as any normal country!! I mentioned this to your security advisor as a joke more or less, and then another colleague, overhearing us, simply picks the very book up from her desk!! Now I have it at my place and have started reading it. It is great! It makes Afghanistan seem like a normal country for tourism.

Although it is sometimes a little too harsh; most of the literature on Afghanistan is mostly political or somehow analytical, but here they just show a picture of a boy and a girl in a poppy field with the text: “cutting and scraping opium poppy in Badakhshan”. Not a word on child labour or Afghanistan being the world’s largest opium producer. Or under a picture of a truck full of burning cargo driven down into a river you find a text calling it “Firefighting Afghan style”. Hmmm, when you know something about the status of the rescue services in the country it is a bit difficult to find it picturesque.

Although the book is sometimes funny. Still I have to say; I find it hard to read Lonely Planet and take it seriously after having read “Molvania”.

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