Friday, October 14, 2011

Rio Rio

Arrived in Rio yesterday and got a little disappointed.
Well, not because of Rio in itself, I don't think Rio can disappoint me, but because of the weather. Of course I know you can never trust or count on weather here, but I was so hoping to get some sun and beach life here before going back to the Swedish autumn/winter, that's why the heavy rain really disapponted me. I was immediately considering to change my flight and go back one day earlier.

This morning however the sun was shining and I got some lovely hours on Ipanema beach. At lunch time I left the beach to go in to the Centro part of the city, where I haven't really been that much before. From what I have read and seen on pictures I thought I would like that part. And I did! Even more than I thought! It is just lovely!! As everything about Rio. Ok, it is pretty run down in parts and I can imagine it gets rather deserted and seedy at night or on weekends, but it is lovely and for sure has great potential.

I have never been to Barcelona, but from what I hear it is a  great city, everyone seems to love it. And aparently the big hype for Barcelona came after the 1992 Olympics, when the city got a good make-over and was "discovered" by the world. If Rio and Brazil play their cards well, Rio has a chance to beat that by far! I already believe Rio is one of, if not the, coolest city in the world, but of course it also have quite a few obvious (and less obvious) problems and if she can come to terms with at least some of them it will be magic. 

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